
An Institution for excellence in Education and Training in Laparoscopic Surgery

Primary Objective

1. Standardize Education, Training and Evaluation of Laparoscopic surgeons in India and abroad
2. Provide a forum for credentialing andcertification of laparoscopic surgeons
3. Accreditation of laparoscopic training centres in India and overseas
4. Provide a forum for continuous education and training for laparoscopic surgeons

Objectives of ICLS

1. ICLS is a scientific and educational association of laparoscopic surgeons to improve the quality of care for the surgical patient by setting high standards for surgical education and practice
2. To certify that the surgeon has undergone optimum training to perform basic laparoscopic procedures
3. To certify that the surgeon has undergone optimum training to perform advanced laparoscopic procedures
4. To facilitate the process of learning and acquisition of skills for more advanced laparoscopic procedures
5. To provide mentorship and proctorship based model for desirous surgeonswho wish to making in to laparoscopic surgeons
6. To organize CME based skills programme and to facilitate periodic revalidation and up-gradation of knowledge, skills and aptitude
7. To provide guidelines to laparoscopic surgeons for each and every procedure by way of ICLS Manual