MCLS/FCLS Exam 2023

Dear Colleague
Greetings from International College of Laparoscopic Surgeons.
MCLS/FCLS by the International College of Laparoscopic Surgeons (established under the aegis of College of Laparoscopic Surgeons Society- Regd).
The examination for eligible candidates will be held at Maulana Azad
Medical College, New Delhi on 17th February 2024 during ENDOLAP MAMC.
The applications should reach the undersigned latest by 1st February 2024. The
completed application form accompanied by the fellowship/membership fee and
all the relevant documents should only be sent. Incomplete applications will not
be entertained. The eligible candidates will be called for examination and
Detailed information regarding eligibility and mode of examination is attached
along with.
(Dr. Anubhav Vindal)
International College of Laparoscopic Surgeons
Click here to download Application Form [PDF]
Criteria for Membership of the International College of Laparoscopic Surgeons by Examination (MCLS)
Essential requirements:
1. Minimum 2 years of MS/DNB training and has one year or more of laparoscopic exposure.
2. One research publication or 2 presentations in National/ international conferences.
3. Dry Laboratory training with certificate from ICLS/SELSI recognized Dry Skills Laboratory - 30
4. Certificate of laparoscopic exposure from HOD where candidate is pursuing his training.
All the candidates found eligible for award of Membership (MCLS) will be invited to appear in the
Membership Examination. The candidates will be evaluated on the following criteria:
A. MCQ based evaluation of Knowledge and aptitude- 100 marks.
B. Dry Laboratory skills - 100 marks
C. Log Book evaluation (Log Book+ Research publications+ Presentations)- 50 marks.
D. Interview by Board of Governors of ICLS covering Skills, knowledge and Aptitude - 50 marks.
Fee: Details of payment
Members of SELSI/ IHS - Rs. 7,000/-
Non Members - Rs. 8,000/-
DD in favour of "College of Laparoscopic Surgeons Society" payable at Delhi.
Criteria for Fellowship of the International College of Laparoscopic Surgeons by Examination (FCLS 6 years)
Essential requirements:
1. Post MS/DNB candidates - Minimum 6 Years of laparoscopic experience post MS/DNB.
2. Post MS/DNB with MCLS degree - 4 years of laparoscopic experience.
3. Two research publications and/or at least four presentations in National/International conferences.
4. Dry Laboratory training with certificate from ICLS/SELSI recognized Dry Skills Laboratory - 30 Hours.
5. Proctorship at ICLS/SELSI recognized National Centre (8 weeks) with Proctor certification.
All the candidates found eligible for award of Fellowship (FCLS 6Years) will be invited to appear in the
Fellowship Examination. The candidates will be evaluated on the following criteria:
A. MCQ based evaluation of Knowledge and aptitude - 100 marks.
B. Dry Laboratory skills - 100 marks
C. Wet Laboratory skills - 100 marks
D. Proctor Certification - 50 marks.
E. Log Book evaluation (Log Book+ Research publications+ Presentations) - 50 marks.
F. Interview by Board of Governors of ICLS covering skills, knowledge and Aptitude - 100 marks.
Fee: Details of payment
Members of SELSI/ IHS - Rs. 9,000/-
Non Members - Rs. 10,000/-
DD in favour of "College of Laparoscopic Surgeons Society" payable at Delhi.
Criteria for Fellowship of the International College of Laparoscopic Surgeons by
Examination (FCLS 10 years)
Essential requirements:
1. Post MS/DNB Experience - Minimum 10 Years with evidence of active surgical
practice as aLaparoscopic/endoscopic surgeon.
2. Four research publications and/or minimum 6 presentations in National/international
All the candidates found eligible for award of Fellowship (FCLS 10 Years) will be invited to appear
in the Fellowship Examination. The candidates will be evaluated on the following criteria:
A. MCQ based evaluation of Knowledge and aptitude test - 100 marks.
B. Log Book evaluation (Log Book+ Research publications+ Presentations)- 100 marks
C. Interview by Board of Governors of ICLS covering Skills, knowledge and Aptitude - 200 marks.
Fee: Details of payment
Members of SELSI/ IHS - Rs. 9,000/-
Non Members - Rs. 10,000/
DD in favour of "College of Laparoscopic Surgeons Society" payable at Delhi
Criteria for
Fellowship of the International College of Laparoscopic Surgeons by
interview (FCLS 15 years)
Essential requirements:
1. Post MS/DNB Experience - Minimum 15 Years with evidence of active surgical
practice as aLaparoscopic/endoscopic surgeon (Documented by Logbook or OT
2. Attended at least 10 Lap Conferences/Workshops in last 15yrs (Documented by Conference
3. All the candidates found eligible for award of Fellowship (FCLS 15 Years) will be invited to appear
for an interview to assess Skills, knowledge and Aptitude
Fee: Details of payment
Members of SELSI/ IHS - Rs. 9,000/-
Non Members - Rs. 10,000/-
DD in favour of "College of Laparoscopic Surgeons Society" payable at Delhi.
Criteria for
Fellowship of the International College of Laparoscopic Surgeons by
1. Conferred on distinguished senior laparoscopic surgeons from India and abroad, who are devoted
to the development of the specialty of laparoscopy and minimal access surgery and are leaders in
innovations in MAS.
2. Detailed Curriculum Vitae would be invited or submitted/ forwarded to ICLS by two fellows of
ICLS and ratified by the Board of Governors.
3. Candidate's eligibility and suitability towards the award of the Fellowship will be decided by the
Executive committee of ICLS and ratified by the Board of Governors.
4. Award of FCLS will be during Convocation of ICLS.
Fee: Details of payment
Members of SELSI/ IHS - Rs. 9,000/-
Non Members - Rs. 10,000/-
DD in favour of "College of Laparoscopic Surgeons Society" payable at Delhi.
Criteria for Honorary Fellowship of the International College of Laparoscopic
Surgeons (FCLS H)
1. Conferred on distinguished senior laparoscopic surgeons of eminence from India and abroad, who
are devoted to the development of the specialty of laparoscopy and minimal access surgery and
are leaders in innovations in MAS.
2. Detailed Curriculum Vitae would be invited or submitted/ forwarded to ICLS by two fellows of
3. Candidate's eligibility and suitability towards the award of the Fellowship will be decided by the
Executive committee of ICLS and ratified by the Board of Governors.
4. Award of FCLS will be during Convocation of ICLS.
Fee Details: No Fee
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Candidates fulfilling all essential qualifications need only apply. Incomplete applications will not be
considered. |
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All the individual parts of the examination (listed from A to C, D, or F) would need to be separately
cleared by the candidate (minimum 50% marks) and the results would remain valid for a period of
one year. |
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Failure to achieve the required standard in any one section would result in failure of the candidate
to pass the examination. The candidate will then need to reapply for appearing in the next scheduled
examination and will have to clear only the particular section in which he/she was found to be
unsuccessful. |
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A candidate will be given a maximum of three chances to clear all the parts of the examination within a
time frame of 1 year from the time of appearing in the first examination, with a reduced examination
fee of Rs. 3000/- for non members and Rs. 2000/- for members of SELSI/HIS for MCLS and Rs.
4000/- and Rs. 3000/- respectively for FCLS. |
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Candidate's eligibility and suitability towards the award of the Fellowship will be decided by the
Executive committee of ICLS and ratified by the Board of Governors. |
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The successful candidates shall be awarded FCLS during Convocation of ICLS |
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Proctor – An ICLS certified faculty working at an ICLS certified training centre under whom the specified
duration of training needs to be completed and a certificate for the same be obtained in order to be
eligible for applying to the ICLS for fellowship. |
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The proctor certification of the candidate is mandatory (where specified) and will be checked as a part of
the examination conducted for the grant of Fellowship (FCLS). |
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The list of recognized proctorship centres and proctors is available on ICLS website. |
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Training Laboratory – An ICLS certified facility where hands-on training is provided on laparoscopy in
order to train the candidate in dry laboratory skills. |
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The list of recognized laboratory facilities is available on ICLS website. |
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Dry laboratory skills – Training in laparoscopy using simulation and or instruments/implements without
the use of animal tissues. |
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Wet laboratory skills – Training in laparoscopy using simulation and or instruments/implements on
animal tissues. |
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Visit by Proctor – This would be carried out by an ICLS certified faculty. The purpose is to certify the
candidates centre and see him/her performing minimal access procedures. |
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Minimal Access Procedures - Laparoscopic cholecystectomy, appendicectomy, diagnostic
laparoscopy, TAPP/TEP, ventral hernia repairs constitutes these procedures. |
Click here to download Application Form [PDF] |