Welcome to ICLS

The President and the Board of Governors of International College of Laparoscopic Surgeons (ICLS) are pleased to announce the launch of the International College of excellence for education and training in Minimal Access Surgery with the objectives of standardizing education, training and evaluation of Laparoscopic surgeons in India and abroad.

ICLS will provide a forum for credentialing and certification of laparoscopic surgeons and accreditation of laparoscopic training centers in India and overseas along with providing a forum for continuous education and training for laparoscopic surgeons. More»

  An Institution for excellence in Education and Training in Laparoscopic Surgery

Primary Objective

1. Standardize Education, Training and Evaluation of Laparoscopic surgeons in India and abroad
2. Provide a forum for credentialing andcertification of laparoscopic surgeons
3. Accreditation of laparoscopic training centres in India and overseas
4. Provide a forum for continuous education and training for laparoscopic surgeons More»